“Music gives a soul to the universe, wings to the mind, flight to the imagination, and life to everything.”
It all started 25 years ago.
I was about 15 years old, and I just received a special gift from my brother who used to be a DJ. It was a Roland TR505 drum machine.
Besides messing around with tape cassettes and audio here and there, I didn’t know anything about making music, not to say about programming drum machines.
But I was fascinated by this strange piece of electronic device, and I would spend hours on hours to figure out how to build a simple drum sequence that I could layer on top of my favorite songs and record the results to a tape machine. My early attempts of making a remix you could say.
Growing up as a shy and introverted kid, I’ve found comfort in this way of self expression and communication. I fell in love with the process of making electronic music and figuring out how synths, samplers and drum machines work.
I didn’t have the money to buy expensive devices, so I invested in a desktop computer that I bought with the money I earned from working with my brother, helping him in his DJ gigs.
The world of virtual digital working audio stations, instruments, mixers and effects started to unfold, and I found myself falling down in the rabbit hole.
I was obsessed with everything related to audio and electronic music, experimenting and exploring until late night and early morning hours.
With years going by and working for several jobs, I had the money to buy some hardware gears and more professional equipment. But I never did anything professional with my music. I never tried to release it or send it to any label.
I guess I didn’t have the courage or confidence to go all the way and pursue my dream of making music, despite the fact I was very obsessed and passionate about it.
At the age of 25 something happened. I had the need to leave my country and explore both the world and myself individually. I needed a break from life. I needed a break from myself.
And so I found myself travelling to Thailand. I planned the trip for a maximum of 3 months. Instead I’ve stayed for almost 15 years now.
And things got different directions. I stopped making music, and I began my early career days in another passion of mine, which is design.
From simple graphics, to complex UX problems, I’ve been in the design business professionally for more than a decade.
But something else was still burning inside me, something I could not let go or give up on, and that is making music.
So in the crazy year of 2020, where covid hit hard and forced us all to reflect on our life, I found myself returning to an old lover, embracing the forgotten passion I once left behind.
Slowly slowly I am picking up from where I’ve left it, relearning the steps, and shaking back my sleeping passion.
It feels great. I don’t have super ambitious thoughts about it for now, I just enjoy the process of making music and messing up with devices like I have always been.
Random Noise is my awakening. Random Noise is my path to rediscovering something I foolshly thought I could put a side with no consequences.
It is a journey that feels familiar and new and exciting at the same time. It is inevitable to happen, and it is happening now as I approach my 40s.
Where will it take me? Who knows. All I know is that I must follow my heart and passion once again, and just to do that thing I love. Making music and messing up with electronic devices.